a sweet + cooling fruit juice for the Pitta summer season
I don’t know about you but I can’t get enough fresh sweet fruit right now. As we’re here in the hot summer Pitta season, it’s important we keep our mind and bodies cool to oppose the excess heat. As Ayurveda says:
“opposites therapy”
We simply have to invite more cooling foods and activities into our summer lifestyles. For me, that’s making at least a weekly trip to the beach to be alongside cooling water (any body of water is great), and making a conscious effort to eat more cooling foods, like this refreshing blend of WATERMELON MINT JUICE.
Watermelon is well regarded as a cooling and hydrating fruit, perfect for the hot summer. Plus it’s peak season is summer so now is naturally the time to eat it. It will taste the best and cost will be at its lowest per pound. Mint is a cooling herb with a sweet taste which are the exact qualities needed to balance Pitta dosha. The two together—the perfect summer marriage.
Stay cool. Stay hydrated. Stay sweet. My summer mantras!
ingredients (one serving):
1-2 cups cubed fresh watermelon
Handful of mint leaves
1/2 lime (juiced)
1/2 cup aloe vera juice (or filtered water is great)
Pinch of mineral salt (to bring out the sweetness even more)
A glass you love + a reusable straw
1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until fully combined. Pour and enjoy!
pro tip:
Taste before you pour. Maybe you need a little more lime juice. Maybe a little more mint. Maybe you need more liquid. Tweak to your liking!
mindfulness tip:
Buy watermelons whole instead of pre-cut. You’re paying more for labor and packaging and it won’t be as fresh. Save the extra coins and the plastic. If you’re not sure how to break down a watermelon, get with google!
watermelon mint juice + the ayurveda doshas:
~ reduces Pitta from its cooling and sweet qualities; perfect for the summer season
~ mint is tridoshic—meaning it’s pacifying for all three doshas