Hey Hey, I’m Adelyn!
If I’ve learned anything on my self-healing journey, it’s that it ain’t easy.
The journey is a dizzy, bumpy, beautiful ride with so many great highs, and you better believe just as many lows. A lot of coasting in circles and getting lost over and over again, but through the curation and implementation of self-knowledge, I’ve built sustainable holistic practices that support my self-growth so that I’m able to experience more joy and pleasure in this deep inner work.
Self-healing and self-growth is not a linear journey. It’s not a quick fix, but rather a lifetime commitment to the self. At first I thought it was something I could achieve, as if I could “win” at self-healing. While I put up a good fight, it didn’t take me long to realize there’s no cargo room for perfectionism on this journey. And then after having my son and becoming a first-time mother, forget it! Everything I thought I knew or had learned resurfaced during my postpartum journey. I was back in the nitty gritty of healing, not only physically, but on a deep soul level as I navigated my rebirth after baby’s birth.
There’s no magic prescription for self-healing.
There are tools & practices available to us. My tools have been Ayurveda, a consistent gratitude practice, and learning to lean into the acts of self-love, even more so, as I come out of my postpartum journey and continue to navigate motherhood. Motherhood is a very delicate and sacred time, so I hold this space for the women and mamas committed to their self-growth as they transition through their rebirth during postpartum. Ayurveda is an amazing holistic health system that is perfectly designed to support the postpartum phase, and I’m here to teach you the tools.
As we move through our self-growth, the journey is no longer for the self. It’s a conscious lifestyle that advocates for wellness equality, the well-being of our environment for our children, and collective consciousness so we can all be well and vibe high!