Whether healing digestive issues, strengthening immunity, alleviating anxiety, or struggling with the sticky parts of Mamahood, Ayurveda is designed to help us self-heal. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda simply translates to “the knowledge of life”, meaning the knowledge of one’s own life. With its ancient roots in India, Ayurveda is a holistic health system focused on maintaining the quality, vitality and longevity of life. It combines the studies of physiology, psychology and spirituality to explain our bio-individual needs for beautiful health, happiness and consciousness. Think of Ayurveda as another way to explain our genetic DNA, but down to the soul level.
To begin incorporating Ayurveda we must adopt the language of the science.
the fundamentals of an Ayurvedic lifestyle
In Ayurveda philosophy, the FIVE ELEMENTS—ether, air, fire, water, and earth—created the universe, existence as we know it. We also possess these five elements in our minds and bodies. The Ayurvedic DOSHAS — Vata, Pitta and Kapha, are the physical and mental energies that contain these elements which then dictate our unique constitutions. We possess all three doshas but in different amounts individual to us, with 1-2 being more dominant. Our dominant dosha/s are vulnerable to internal and external stressors causing mind-body imbalances that can materialize into excess heaviness, hormonal imbalances, skin issues, digestive issues, anxiety, stress — the list goes on. These imbalances tend to intensify during pregnancy and postpartum given the intense mind-body transformation happening. To regain balance, we must understand the qualities of the elements, how they relate to the doshas, and how they exacerbate the anxieties of daily Mama life. Once we learn and apply this knowledge, we have the tools to create the secret sauce for better health and wellness during the beautiful and wild ride that is Mamahood.